Wednesday, December 15, 2010

general assignments







First off, we have inmate labor from the minimum security women's prison in Rocky Mount. They clean the stadium and locker rooms of the sports teams in the area during the fall and winter months.

Rocky Mount is split into two counties-Nash and Edgecombe. Edgecombe is a bit more rough and tumble and doesn't really get too much positive coverage, so I've made it a point of trying to grab features from Edgecombe rather than Nash to show the flip side of the coin. Not as bad as they paint it. This couple was wonderful, started out with them cleaning their front lawn and then they around me around back. That light was just gorgeous.

Black Friday-hit the mall at 2am and was there before anyone else, with the exception of 50ish people outside Best Buy. There were some hardcore people at Best Buy-one family camped out Wednesday night and had Thanksgiving dinner in a tent in front of Best Buy. Good to know for a story next year.

Rocky Mount Christmas parade, a grab shot from the end that I kinda like. It's odd to here Santa say "y'all".

Joe Cherry owned a used tire shop in Rocky Mount and it was burned down by a couple of teenage arsonist. No connection to Joe, just wanted to see something burn. He was upset, but amazingly positive by the end of the interview, considering his situation. First shot, him with the remains of the shop. Second is a detail from the debris.

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