Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bank Robbery


Last day of work before Christmas holiday, December 23, and it was an odd one. To finish the day off, we had a bank robbery downtown. Hopped in my car, made it down to the scene, parked and shot. Nothing to exciting at this point. Went to leave the scene when I was informed by a bystander that they had called in my car as a possible "getaway" car because of my out of state license plates. Despite having stood outside the bank for over half an hour with the cops, talking/interviewing them, carrying cameras and my press badge, they still wouldn't let me leave the scene for another 15 minutes while they "checked everything out." I was found clear of all charges. The cops reporter was still amused to hear an a.p.b. put out on my car and have the incident written about in their final report.

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