Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Some features from the past couple of weeks.
Top is a Memorial Day feature with Uncle Sam in "The Field of Honor" where people buy flags to honor those who are or have served in the military.
Middle image is from a cancelled MMA fight. Long story short, a last minute cancellation where I was reporter and photographer for most of the night. I walked away with an image of what I thought was a disappointed fan staring at an empty ring. When I talked to him to get caption info, I found out he's practically deaf and didn't hear the announcement that the match was cancelled. He was trying to figure out why everyone else left. Poor guy.
That last shot is from a team meeting with the Fayetteville Swap Dogs, our very amateur baseball team. While photographing the team's first meeting I looked over and saw the coach's 3 year old bored out of his mind on the couch.
As usual, any and all critiques are welcome. Thanks!

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