Tuesday, September 6, 2011


One of my goals when I started working at the Telegram was to learn video. I have been meaning to post some examples for a while now, and so I will start with the first video I made while I was here, and the most recent one. I had dabbled in video a little bit, but the battle of the bands was my first real attempt at using video. The latest one I worked on was a first day of school experience as a back to school special. Video is a bit more difficult for me, though I like it because it forces you to become a quick problem solver. You really have to be thinking on your feet the whole time, the biggest difficulty for me is remembering to gather nat sound while shooting. A special thank you to all of those who have helped me learn, who have answered my calls at all hours and answered my questions without laughing (example, check to make sure there are no discarded clips on the timeline that would make your piece 12 minutes long and an obscenely large file size). Every time I look over a video I find things that I would do differently next time and try and incorporate those changes in my next video. I would appreciate any feedback as I continue to learn!

From the archives

Digging through my archives as I make backup hard drives and found some fun shots from my first internship at the Birmingham News. The first shot is from the Region Charity Classic, a charity golf tournament, and one of my biggest regrets of the internship is that I didn't get one of those "HUSH Y'ALL" signs that volunteers hold up to keep the crowds quiet. archives003 Lay Lake Open Pep Rally archives001 Infocus Jackson Olin Basketball archives008

Monday, August 8, 2011

I rode a horse! Ok, a mule.


We shot a story about a training class for a Search and Rescue team. After we, the reporter and I, had spent the morning shooting their drills, they stopped for a lunch break. Once they found out that I never rode a horse, they seemed personally offended. I was never a horse girl growing up, and the only time I tried to get on a horse was a few years ago. The darn thing was so restless, I could barely get in the saddle. Not a happy memory. So they sat me on a training mule (pictured above) and I rode around the padlock a few times. I now kinda get the whole horseback riding thing, it was very relaxing. Though the mule didn't seem to agree with the direction/speed I was trying to make her go, it was a much better experience than the first time.

a few random shots





Two recent favs



Ok, the fun run with the kids, the intensity of the kid in the gray always makes me smile. I gotta approach everyday with that kind of drive. Way to inspire kiddo! As for the frog, this kid kept bringing me all sorts of random things as I was shooting the family garden. A stick, a bug, a rock, you name it. Well he comes over with this tiny little frog between his fingers. Not a happy camper but cute as heck.

Dock Dogs




A competition where dogs leap into the water after a toy. Test speed, length, and intelligence (can they find the toy???). A really fun time, shot some video but the audio didn't turn out as good as I would like. Trying to decide what to do with it, because the video alone will make you smile.

Some end of the season baseball photos

