Monday, August 8, 2011

I rode a horse! Ok, a mule.


We shot a story about a training class for a Search and Rescue team. After we, the reporter and I, had spent the morning shooting their drills, they stopped for a lunch break. Once they found out that I never rode a horse, they seemed personally offended. I was never a horse girl growing up, and the only time I tried to get on a horse was a few years ago. The darn thing was so restless, I could barely get in the saddle. Not a happy memory. So they sat me on a training mule (pictured above) and I rode around the padlock a few times. I now kinda get the whole horseback riding thing, it was very relaxing. Though the mule didn't seem to agree with the direction/speed I was trying to make her go, it was a much better experience than the first time.

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