Sunday, July 17, 2011






Wow, so I have not been good at updating at all. My apologies. This week will bring massive updates as I have about 2 months to catch up on! First up, a sampling of some of the places I've been. Gotta love any room with an antler chandelier. As for that last photo, a gentlemen was doing his own version of a farm funeral with dead chickens, except the chicken parts were rather large and did not agree with state codes for fertilizer. I was rather sick when on this assignment, no voice and could barely breathe nonetheless smell. I figured what the heck, that wing would be really pretty against the sky with the grass so delicately hiding the remainder of the rotting carcass. So I threw on my wide angle and got down about 2 feet from the thing. The guy who took me out there asked I wasn't gagging from the smell. But I figure, if life hands you lemons make lemonade. Like this wider shot better than anything I shot with my longer lens and it's a different view than you'd expect.

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