Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March update with February Photos




Wow, I have been horrible at updating in 2011. Time to get back on track with some highlights from February. A simple 100 days of school celebratory shot, enjoy their expressions. Really try to avoid the "cute kid" trap but I liked this one. A second shot is from a job shadowing day at a local vet. They were observing a dog getting its teeth cleaned. A difficult situation-tight space, not much going on, and quite frankly the kids looked bored and completely uninterested-so I stepped outside the room to get an overall shot and play with the teal tubes. Pretty happy with the result. Next is a still from a battle of the bands competition. I shot my first video at that event! Hopefully will upload that soon. Shot lead art, video, and flipped both within 24 hours. Learned a lot, video is alright for a first attempt, and has opened the doors to new opportunities. Excited to learn more about video! As always, feedback welcome. Thanks!

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