Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Gov. Bev Perdue


Gov. Perdue has been to Rocky Mount several times this month. The last time she was here, we photographed her at several locations in one day. I left the first location and got to the second location where I saw several members of her press entourage still waiting outside. Went up to a state trooper and said "Holy crow, did I actually beat her here?!?" Upon confirmation I gave the trooper a high five who promptly asked me exactly how fast I was driving.

Store owner






Early in the morning of March 8, 2011, a beloved store owner was found shot to death in the entrance of his convenience store. The community was blown away by his murder. Sammy was a rock in the community, he was a giver of tough love. Everyone described him as man with no enemies. He was the first to offer support in hard times, and a wake up call to those who needed. Community children would rush to him with their report cards before they showed their parents, just to show Sammy that they were staying in school and getting good grades. His death has left the community nervous for their future, they viewed Sammy as the one person keeping a rough neighborhood in check. I am trying to keep an eye on the community as this story progresses, to see what, if any, resonating effect Sammy's legacy will bring. Spent almost the entire day at the store talking with people, listening to their stories, trying to make connections. The lead for this article, the first shot of the man positioning the heart wreath, turned out to be a bit controversial. After it ran, we found out this man was a well known drug dealer in the area and a convicted felon. To me, that says so much about Sammy. Sammy was very anti drug/gang activity, and yet here was this man coming out to pay his respects, reminiscing about knowing Sammy since he was a child, fondly remembering how he helped his family out when times got tough (and all on the record and full name given nonetheless!) shows how Sammy was able to walk such a fine line. He was there to support and didn't judge when things went wrong. If I had known that man's past, I still would have pushed for it to be lead.

Autism and Down Syndrome




Went to shoot a story about a young boy with autism and down syndrome. Due to a scheduling issue (no ones fault, they had a doctor's meeting bumped up and we didn't have time to reshoot before print) I ended up with about 15-20 minutes with the family. I came away with these three frames which I was pretty happy with, especially given the short time span spent together.

Car Inspections



N.C. is debating doing away with mandatory safety inspections for cars. Spent a little while with a man who's sole business is inspections. If this passes, his business closes.

Balancing the budget


Went to schools to get some art to accompany story on possible cuts to the school's budgets and liked the way this frame came out.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011








February was tons of basketball. Definite improvement from the beginning of the month to the end, always a good thing! Learned how to shoot basketball with lights as well. Can't motor drive which is a hard habit to break but a good skill to learn. Here are a couple of my favs.

March update with February Photos




Wow, I have been horrible at updating in 2011. Time to get back on track with some highlights from February. A simple 100 days of school celebratory shot, enjoy their expressions. Really try to avoid the "cute kid" trap but I liked this one. A second shot is from a job shadowing day at a local vet. They were observing a dog getting its teeth cleaned. A difficult situation-tight space, not much going on, and quite frankly the kids looked bored and completely uninterested-so I stepped outside the room to get an overall shot and play with the teal tubes. Pretty happy with the result. Next is a still from a battle of the bands competition. I shot my first video at that event! Hopefully will upload that soon. Shot lead art, video, and flipped both within 24 hours. Learned a lot, video is alright for a first attempt, and has opened the doors to new opportunities. Excited to learn more about video! As always, feedback welcome. Thanks!