Tuesday, May 17, 2011









It's baseball season so time to post some of my favs. Really tried to get variety out of the action shots. Enjoy! I love the kid trying to jump Superman style over the catcher in an attempt to score a run.

Tug of War




Rocky Mount/Nash schools have a fantastic program for Elementary students to battle the rise in childhood obesity. The students have from the first day of school to the beginning of April to walk 100 miles with the teachers. Every student that completes this goal gets to participate in a field day at the park filled with fun events. The children love it, and it's such a good way to encourage a healthy lifestyle. My favorite event is always the Tug of War just because it brings out the competitive side in every person, no matter the age or how reserved they may be in everyday life. The top image is a couple of boys reactions after they lose a girls vs boys tug of war.

Tornados in NC







We had a series of tornadoes touch down throughout North Carolina in mid April. Thankfully, Rocky Mount was spared and had very little damage from the storms. A neighboring town, Wilson, was hit and suffered damage to several residential neighborhoods and businesses. The tornado hit on Saturday, and I had Sunday off, so I drove down to Wilson to spend the day shooting the aftermath. Unfortunately, that is the only time I have been able to get down there. But even in the short time between when the tornadoes hit and the time I got there, the community outreach was incredible. It's always amazing how in a time of crisis people reach out to one another.

Livestock Event



This was a fun assignment-the 4-H livestock show and sale. The actual event doesn't always give up the most interesting shots, but the backstage and feature potential is endless. I could've shot all day. I also learned several things-sheep are not cute and cuddly at all. They kick and are quite temperamental, which means you have to be aware of the hooves at all times when shooting or you get a surprise kick in the back. Narrowly avoided multiple times. And pigs are apparently very emotional creatures. At least that's what the girl in the pig pen told me as she laid in the pen with her pigs after they didn't place in their competition. She felt the pigs were upset and so she climbed in to comfort them. A very caring little girl.

Random Features





Here's a couple of random features for the past few weeks, a celebrating children event, cemetery cleanup, and a pastor working on his Easter sermon.



As it is now know around the office, I am not a fan of clowns or mascots. However, this clown was quite friendly, and wasn't as over the top as other clowns I have been around. This is just a fun shot, but the truth is this kid looks so much like one of my younger brothers when he was about 8, it was bizarre. So Dave, this is what I picture your reaction to a clown handing you a magic wand to be.

Food Photos #2


A fav shot from a delicious dish. Best thing about food photography is when we get it eat the food when we finish shooting.

Military Appreciation Day


One of the local elementary schools in town hosted a Military Appreciation Day. Got this shot of this man speaking to a group of children, including his granddaughter in the background, about his experience in the Air Force.