Monday, September 20, 2010

Bull Riding

Cumberland County Fair

For those who are curious, the camel's name is Clyde.

Olympian comes to Fayetteville

Olympic gold medalist Cullen Jones gave swimming lessons and a motivational speech to a group of area children.

Bronze Star Reciepents

The Bronze Star Medal with Valor Device was presented to twelve paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne Division during an awards ceremony Friday, September 17, 2010.

The jump that never happened

The reporter and I spent an afternoon on base waiting for an event that was never to take place. There was suppose to be a parachute jump demonstration, so I got shots of them gearing up, getting briefed, loading onto the plane. We were driven out to the drop zone where some time later we were informed their was technical difficulties and the jump was canceled. A disappointment, but I liked these shots from the prep.


This guy thought it was hilarious that I laid down on the ground for this shot. Tickled him pink.

Train Wreck Survivor

Everett Hawley, a survivor of a troop train disaster in 1950 that left 33 soldiers dead after the passenger train the Spirit of St Louis collided with the train carrying the soldiers.